Have you been wondering what to do? 
Maybe you know what to do, but the question is how? 
How would you begin? 

Maybe it’s seeing the past over and over, or the future that has you stuck. Perhaps that voice that keeps telling you how to feel. 

The Difficulty With Traditional Therapy...

With traditional therapy you will focus on the why. The problem with this strategy is that every time you go back to the why, you go back to the situation and you relive the issue.

Finding the why doesn’t magically make things disappear in life. It sends you in for a loop constantly thinking of the same thing.

What Matters is the How!

When we know how negative patterns are created, we can change the patterns subconsciously 
changing the way you react to it in the future. 

This can then have positive effects in other areas of your life that perhaps you didn't even notice.  

Within ONE session, we can change the way you feel. 

How did the thing that’s on your mind come about?

Through my strategies we can find the "how" of the positive and replicate it. Make it stronger within you to help you achieve greater things. In turn we can change the way you see/hear/feel the negative thoughts giving it less influence over you.

You see it’s not the thought that truly bothers us, but the reaction we have to it. By changing how we react to it, we give the good thoughts power and we give the negative ones nothing. Eventually they go away. 
I have had a life long passion to serve others. There were times where I lost my ways. When the decisions I made hurt others. Decisions they made hurt me. We all have life experiences and no person's story is greater than another. 

As a result of my journey, I wanted to answer the question: 

"Why do we do the things we do?" 

I wanted to understand how we make decisions. I wanted to figure out what makes one person have total control of a situation and another break down. 

Each one of us is on our own journey, and even though it may seem at times that we are alone, our story is intertwined with someone else. 

I want to help you create a better story. I want to show you the answers to the questions I've found, so that you can create the future you're looking for. Whether you realize it now or not.

If you're reading this, it's because part of you wants more. Let me help you. 

If we don't end up working together, I hope that something on my site has helped you in some small way. Either way, I am happy you're here. 

Kind Regards, 

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